Research Impact Partners

This searchable database provides a list of organizations that support research impact work and includes potential partners for your broadening participation, evaluation, and outreach efforts. Use the drop-down menus at the left to filter the list of organizations by audience, services, types, or umbrella organization. 

If you or your organization would like to be included in the Impact Partners Database, please complete and submit this short survey.

Hot Science-Cool Talks

This nationally recognized series allows leading researchers from The University of Texas and other prominent universities to share their passion about science, technology, engineering and math with the general public. Events are held six times a year (on-campus or virtually). Here’s a list of past participants.

Living Learning Community

Living Learning Community (LLC) in Kinsolving. WiSTEM has a long history and tradition of successfully serving students in their first year of living on campus.

Longhorn Impact Fellowship

The Longhorn Impact Fellowship at Texas (LIFT) pairs student consultants with sustainable corporations, social enterprises, and non-profits to solve sustainability and impact-focused problems.

Program Assessment

The the Office of Institutional Research and Analytics designs and implements assessment tools for STEM education programs.

Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN)

PIT-UN helps advance the field of public interest technology to bring positive impact to communities around the globe.

Research Data Services

The Libraries work with partners across campus to connect researchers with the appropriate tools, resources, and expertise for dealing with data at every stage, from the earliest planning phase, through dissemination and archiving.

Social Work Equity and Inclusion

Provides national leadership to promote social and economic justice, alleviate critical social problems and enhance human well-being.

Texas Global Institutional Agreements

Global partnerships support and expand UT Austin’s academic mission by connecting our students, faculty and staff with partners and collaborators around the world, strengthening the impact of our research and integrating new perspectives into our teaching and learning.

The Longhorn Center for School Partnerships (LCSP)

A national model for integrating diversity and community engagement into the core mission of a university. The division focuses on four core pillars: campus culture, community engagement, education pipeline, and research.

UTeach Institute

UTeach Institute is a national network of colleges and universities working together to improve STEM teaching and learning in the U.S.. UTeach employs a comprehensive approach to supporting implementation that is aligned with recommendations from the research literature on fidelity of implementation and program replication and expansion.