Research Impact Workshops

Deepening Your Understanding of Broader Impacts

The National Science Foundation employs two criteria in the merit review of proposals: the Intellectual Merit and the Broader Impacts of the proposed activity. While most researchers know what is meant by Intellectual Merit, experience shows that many are less clear about the meaning of Broader Impacts. [NSF Dear Colleague Letter

This workshop will go beyond the fundamentals of NSF’s Broader Impacts (BI) criterion, to explore why BI matters and how BI fits into your proposal. This session will benefit PIs who are starting to develop their NSF Broader Impacts plans or who are exploring research impact in their careers. 

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Developing Your Research Impact Identity

Monday, October 7, 2024

3-4:30 p.m.

Flawn Academic Center (FAC) 334A
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Broadening Participation

What does Broadening Participation mean? The National Science Foundation, recognizing that a diverse and capable workforce is vital to maintaining the nation’s standard of excellence in STEM, is committed to expanding opportunities to people of all racial, ethnic, geographic and socioeconomic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities and to persons with disabilities. Broadening Participation in STEM is included in NSF’s merit review criteria. 

Learn what it means to broaden participation, why it matters, and how to get started. This session will benefit PIs who are starting to develop their NSF Broader Impacts plans or who are exploring research impact in their careers. 

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Broader Impacts Partnerships 

Learn how to identify and define a healthy and productive Broader Impacts partnership with techniques for developing mutually beneficial collaborations. Objectives of this session include: 

  • Define the characteristics of a healthy and productive partnership.
  • Explore techniques for identifying and developing partnerships. 
  • Learn how to develop mutually beneficial partnerships.  

This session will benefit PIs who are interested in developing a roadmap for generating successful and impactful research partnerships in the context of incorporating Broader Impacts objectives into their research plans. 

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Evaluating Broader Impacts Activity 

You’ve now addressed your project’s Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts criteria. How will you prove to the funding agency that your plan will work? That your research will, indeed, meet Broader Impacts objectives? This session will guide you through some techniques to develop an effective project evaluation plan with a step-by-step approach (logic model) that helps you meet your proposal’s project evaluation requirements. 

This session will benefit PIs who are developing their NSF Broader Impacts plans or who want to develop best practices on assessing impact in their research for their own benefit or to satisfy the societal impact requirements of their funders. 

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