Research Impact Partners

This searchable database provides a list of organizations that support research impact work and includes potential partners for your broadening participation, evaluation, and outreach efforts. Use the drop-down menus at the left to filter the list of organizations by audience, services, types, or umbrella organization. 

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MD Anderson Cancer Center-UT Austin Strategic Collaboration

MD Anderson Cancer Center and UT Austin have launched a strategic collaboration aimed at promoting research collaborations between the two institutions. Investigators and leadership have worked together to identify research themes of mutual interest.

Arabic Summer Institute

The Department of Middle Eastern Studies at The University of Texas at Austin is proud to offer the Arabic Summer Institute, which provides an intensive language learning experience for beginning, intermediate, and advanced Arabic students.

UT Austin Federal Statistical Research Data Center

The University of Texas at Austin Research Data Center (UT Austin RDC) is part of the Federal Statistical Research Data Center program run by the U.S. Census Bureau and is operated as a branch of the Texas Research Data Center based at Texas A&M University. The UT Austin RDC provides qualified researchers the opportunity to perform statistical analysis on non-public microdata from the Census Bureau, National Center for Health Statistics, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Bureau of Economic Analysis.

City of Austin & UT Austin Pre-Proposal Collaboration Form

The Master Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between the City of Austin and The University of Texas at Austin facilitates research opportunities for City departments to collaborate more easily with university researchers. This form is for current COA Staff and UT Principal Investigators (PIs). The information provided on this form will be used to match City Departments with UT researchers.

City of Austin-UT Research Collaborations

The UT-City of Austin Master Interlocal Agreement (ILA) facilitates research opportunities for City departments to collaborate more easily with university researchers.

Community Engagement

The community engagement team in the Undergraduate College stewards sustainable relationships with local, regional, and statewide communities and organizations toward the goal of supporting mutual benefit for communities and the people of The University.

Connecting Research and Education At TExas (CREATE)

Connecting Research and Education At TExas (CREATE) was founded in 2017 through a partnership established between Dr. Sean T. Roberts at The University of Texas at Austin (UT) and Dr. Shawn M. Amorde at Austin Community College (ACC) with support from the National Science Foundation. CREATE’s initial goal was to improve community college student retention in the physical sciences by fostering mentorship relationships between ACC students and UT faculty through research projects tied to green energy. Over time, CREATE’s managing team has been broadened to include Dr. Emily Que (UT), Dr. Samantha Soebbing (ACC), Dr. Purna Murthy (ACC), and Dr. Huilang (Evan) Wang (UT) which has allowed its scope to expand into a range of areas in chemistry, molecular biosciences, physics, materials science, and engineering.

Cumbre Kids

Cumbre Kids produce children's STEM podcasts that reach 130,000 Spanish-speaking families. Their programs feature researchers answering questions submitted by children 3-10 years old. Cumbre Kids has worked with the McDonald Observatory at UT Austin, as well as dozens of universities, federal agencies, museums, and more.

Data Management and Collections (DMC)

DMC group works to meet the needs of faculty and researchers for data collection services, and to contribute to the potential of data-driven research to make discoveries. The group builds and maintains large data-management and storage resources and consults with collections' creators in all aspects of the data lifecycle, from creation to long-term preservation and access. The DMC group actively seeks out research and grant proposal collaborations with researchers and institutions with collections of interest.

DesignSafe - Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure

DesignSafe is a comprehensive cyberinfrastructure that provides cloud-based tools to manage, analyze, understand, and publish critical data for research to understand the impacts of natural hazards. DesignSafe is hosted at the Texas Advanced Computing Center. It is part of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) program. Funded by NSF, NHERI is a distributed national facility that enables research discoveries that will protect human life, reduce damage, and minimize economic losses during natural hazard events.