Research Impact Partners

This searchable database provides a list of organizations that support research impact work and includes potential partners for your broadening participation, evaluation, and outreach efforts. Use the drop-down menus at the left to filter the list of organizations by audience, services, types, or umbrella organization. 

If you or your organization would like to be included in the Impact Partners Database, please complete and submit this short survey.

GeoForce Texas

GeoFORCE Texas develops the next generation of STEM leadership by identifying young, academically adept 8th graders and taking them on extraordinary in-person and virtual field academies. Students travel throughout the U.S. learning about geologically relevant field sites from research scientists and faculty.

Hot Science-Cool Talks

This nationally recognized series allows leading researchers from The University of Texas and other prominent universities to share their passion about science, technology, engineering and math with the general public. Events are held six times a year (on-campus or virtually). Here’s a list of past participants.